---= GANDCRAB V2.1 =--- Attention! All your files documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension: .CRAB The only method of recovering files is to purchase a private key. It is on our server and only we can recover your files. The server with your key is in a closed network TOR. You can get there by the following ways: 0. Download Tor browser - https://www.torproject.org/ 1. Install Tor browser 2. Open Tor Browser 3. Open link in TOR browser: http://gandcrab2pie73et.onion/61aba9d86a0e600 4. Follow the instructions on this page If Tor/Tor browser is locked in your country or you can not install it, open one of the following links in your regular browser: 0. https://gandcrab2pie73et.onion.rip/61aba9d86a0e600 1. https://gandcrab2pie73et.onion.plus/61aba9d86a0e600 2. https://gandcrab2pie73et.onion.to/61aba9d86a0e600 ATTENTION! Use regular browser only to contact us. Buy decryptor only through TOR browser link or Jabber Bot! On our page you will see instructions on payment and get the opportunity to decrypt 1 file for free. The alternative way to contact us is to use Jabber messanger. Read how to: 0. Download Psi-Plus Jabber Client: https://psi-im.org/download/ 1. Register new account: http://sj.ms/register.php 0) Enter "username": 61aba9d86a0e600 1) Enter "password": your password 2. Add new account in Psi 3. Add and write Jabber ID: ransomware@sj.ms any message 4. Follow instruction bot It is a bot! It's fully automated artificial system without human control! To contact us use TOR links. We can provide you all required proofs of decryption availibility anytime. We are open to conversations. You can read instructions how to install and use jabber here http://www.sfu.ca/jabber/Psi_Jabber_PC.pdf DANGEROUS! Do not try to modify files or use your own private key - this will result in the loss of your data forever!